^z 25th December 2024 at 9:51am
From the excellent book Writing Tools: 50 Essential Strategies for Every Writer (2006) by Roy Peter Clark:
- Begin sentences with subjects and verbs.
- Make meaning early, then let weaker elements branch to the right.
- Order words for emphasis.
- Place strong words at the beginning and at the end.
- Activate your verbs.
- Strong verbs create action, save words, and reveal the players.
- Be passive-aggressive.
- Use passive verbs to showcase the "victim" of action.
- Watch those adverbs.
- Use them to change the meaning of the verb.
- Take it easy on the -ings.
- Prefer the simple present or past.
- Fear not the long sentence.
- Take the reader on a journey of language and meaning.
- Establish a pattern, then give it a twist.
- Build parallel constructions, but cut across the grain.
- Let punctuation control pace and space.
- Learn the rules, but realize you have more options than you think.
- Cut big, then small.
- Prune the big limbs, then shake out the dead leaves.
- Prefer the simple over the technical.
- Use shorter words, sentences and paragraphs at points of complexity.
- Give key words their space.
- Do not repeat a distinctive word unless you intend a specific effect.
- Play with words, even in serious stories.
- Choose words the average writer avoids but the average reader understands.
- Get the name of the dog.
- Dig for the concrete and specific, details that appeal to the senses.
- Pay attention to names.
- Interesting names attract the writer — and the reader.
- Seek original images.
- Reject clichés and first-level creativity.
- Riff on the creative language of others.
- Make word lists, free-associate, be surprised by language.
- Set the pace with sentence length.
- Vary sentences to influence the reader's speed.
- Vary the lengths of paragraphs.
- Go short or long —or make a "turn" — to match your intent.
- Choose the number of elements with a purpose in mind.
- One, two, three, or four: Each sends a secret message to the reader.
- Know when to back off and when to show off.
- When the topic is most serious, understate; when least serious, exaggerate.
- Climb up and down the ladder of abstraction.
- Learn when to show, when to tell, and when to do both.
- Tune your voice.
- Read drafts aloud.
- Work from a plan.
- Index the big parts of your work.
- Learn the difference between reports and stories.
- Use one to render information, the other to render experience.
- Use dialogue as a form of action.
- Dialogue advances narrative; quotes delay it.
- Reveal traits of character.
- Show characteristics through scenes, details, and dialogue.
- Put odd and interesting things next to each other.
- Help the reader learn from contrast.
- Foreshadow dramatic events or powerful conclusions.
- Plant important clues early.
- To generate suspense, use internal cliffhangers.
- To propel readers, make them wait.
- Build your work around a key question.
- Good stories need an engine, a question the action answers for the reader.
- Place gold coins along the path.
- Reward the reader with high points, especially in the middle.
- Repeat, repeat, repeat.
- Purposeful repetition links the parts.
- Write from different cinematic angles.
- Turn your notebook into a "camera."
- Report and write for scenes.
- Then align them in a meaningful sequence.
- Mix narrative modes.
- Combine story forms using the "broken line."
- In short pieces of writing, don't waste a syllable.
- Shape shorter works with wit and polish.
- Prefer archetypes to stereotypes.
- Use subtle symbols, not crashing cymbals.
- Write toward an ending.
- Help readers close the circle of meaning.
- Draft a mission statement for your work.
- To sharpen your learning, write about your writing.
- Turn procrastination into rehearsal.
- Plan and write it first in your head.
- Do your homework well in advance.
- Prepare for the expected — and unexpected.
- Read for both form and content.
- Examine the machinery beneath the text.
- Save string.
- For big projects, save scraps others would toss.
- Break long projects into parts.
- Then assemble the pieces into something whole.
- Take interest in all crafts that support your work.
- To do your best, help others do their best.
- Recruit your own support group.
- Create a corps of helpers for feedback.
- Limit self-criticism in early drafts.
- Turn it loose during revision.
- Learn from your critics.
- Tolerate even unreasonable criticism.
- Own the tools of your craft.
- Build a writing workbench to store your tools.
(cf Write Many Read Once (1999-11-25), How to Write (2000-11-28), Writing Rewards (2001-06-09), Smell of Good Prose (2006-07-03), Asimov on Writing (2008-02-02), Pulp Fiction Rules (2008-10-20), Rules for Writing (2010-03-07), Worth Writing Well (2016-08-17), Tips for Aspiring Op-Ed Writers (2017-11-18), Writing vs Good Writing (2018-01-21), ...) - ^z - 2019-12-29